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Environmental Drilling and Sampling

 RockWater Drilling Company drills and samples soil and ground water to support environmental investigation and remediation activities. These services include:

  • Environmental Drilling and Sampling

  • Monitor Well Installation

  • Recovery Well Installation

  • Dewatering Wells

  • Multi-Cased Well Installation

  • Well Abandonment

  • Split Spoon and Shelby Tube Sampling

  • Continuous Sonic Soil Sampling

  • Discrete Water Sampling

  • Direct Push Soil/Water Sampling

  • Instrument Installation and Abandonment

  • Chemical Injection Services

  • Groundwater Sampling and Profiling

  • Angle Holes Drilling and Sampling

  • Over-the-Water, Barge Drilling

RockWater Drilling Company's drillers have extensive experience on complex projects with up-to-date health and safety training. Combined our crew leaders possess over 100 years drilling industry experience.

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Geotechnical Investigation

Geotechnical investigations examine stability, classifies soil types, determines groundwater depth, movement, location and how it impacts surrounding soil. RockWater Drilling Company performs drilling, soil sampling, and installing instrumentation which provides data for engineers and geologists.

RockWater Drilling Company performs the following geotechnical investigation services:

  • Split Spoon and Shelby Tube Sampling

  • Pitcher Sampling and Denison Sampling

  • Wireline Rock Coring

  • Continuous Sonic Sampling

  • Instrument Installation and Abandonment

  • Observation Well Installation and Abandonment

  • Over-the-water, Barge drilling

RockWater Drilling Company's drillers have extensive experience on geotechnical investigations, with up-to-date health and safety training. Combined our crew leaders have over 100 years of drilling industry experience allows them to operate ATV and low clearance drilling rigs that can access highly restricted drilling sites.

Mineral & Aggregates Exploration

Mineral and aggregate exploration is the process of finding commercially viable quantities of mineral and/or aggregates. RockWater Drilling Company perform drilling and sampling that provides data for mining and processing companies to find and quantify mineral and aggregate reserves.

RockWater Drilling Company performs the following services for mineral and aggregate exploration:

  • Split Spoon and Shelby Tube Sampling

  • Wireline Rock Coring

  • Continuous Sonic Sampling

Industries: Industries


Sonic Rigs

RockWater Drilling Company operates sonic drill rigs with the following capabilities:

  • Environmental drilling, sampling, well installation, geotechnical investigations, and mineral/aggregate explorations.
  • Continuous soil and overburden sampling, 4", 6", 10", and 12" diameter.

  • Up to 12 inch cased borehole

  • Angle hole drilling capabilities

  • Air rotary and air hammer drilling capabilities

  • 2" and 3" diameter shelby tube samples

  • 2" and 3" diameter split-spoon samples for blow counts

  • Up to 18" diameter Concrete and pavement coring

  • Installation of monitoring wells, piezometers, temperature probes, gas probes, recovery wells, up to 10" diameter

  • Telescoping screen for groundwater sampling

  • Geotechnical instrumentation installations (inclinometers and piezometers)

  • Wireline rock coring to depths of 500 feet, HQ size

  • Truck-mounted and ATV rigs (capable of indoor drilling)


Auger Rigs

RockWater Drilling Company operates CME hollow-stem auger drill rigs with the following capabilities:

  • ​Environmental drilling, sampling and geotechnical investigations
  • Hollow-stem augers: 3-1/4" to 12-1/4" (I.D.)
  • Air rotary and air hammer drilling capabilities

  • Mud rotary drilling

  • 2" and 3" diameter shelby tube samples

  • 2" and 3" diameter split-spoon samplers, for blow counts

  • Concrete and pavement coring up to 18" diameter

  • Installation of monitoring wells, piezometers, gas probes, recovery wells, up to 10" diameter

  • Telescoping screen for groundwater sampling

  • Geotechnical instrumentation installations (inclinometers and piezometers)

  • Wireline rock coring to depths of 350 feet, NQ and HQ sizes

  • Low pressure tire, ATV rigs, and low clearance rigs (capable of indoor drilling)


RockWater Drilling Company operates Geoprobe direct push equipment with the following capabilities:

  • Environmental drilling, sampling and geotechnical investigations
  • Continuous Macro core and dual tube soil sampling, up to 100 feet

  • Hollow-stem augers: 3-1/4" to 4-1/4" (I.D.)

  • 2" and 3" diameter shelby tube samples

  • Concrete and pavement coring up to 8" diameter

  • Installation of monitoring wells, piezometers, gas probes, using PVC or steel materials, up to 2" diameter.

  • Telescoping screen for groundwater sampling (Screen Point 15/16 and Mill-Slot Sampling)

  • Model 6620 Track Mounted

Industries: Services
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RockWater Drilling Company offers support equipment to assist our drilling, well installation, and testing activities which enables us to complete projects in a safe, efficient, and environmentally friendly manner.​

  • Packer Testing Equipment

  • Skid-Steer
  • Vacuum Excavator

  • Grout Plants
  • Portable Steam Cleaner


We have extensive experience in the Midwest and Eastern U.S., and have completed projects in nearly every state east of the Mississippi River. We will travel wherever our clients need us. We have completed projects and/or hold drilling licenses in the following areas:


New York
West Virginia




Industries: Services
Safety Wear


RockWater Drilling Company is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for all its personnel, subcontractors’ personnel, and our clients. People are our most important assets!

We work directly with our clients to create and implement site-specific safety plans to ensure that every person involved with a project remains safe. We are mindful of the impact of drilling activities on the environment and can accommodate many safety requirements by maintaining several safety programs and national certifications to provide flexibility for our clients’ safety requirements.

Together, we aim to achieve a zero accident workplace.

Our personnel have undergone rigorous safety training. Below are a selection of the nationally recognized certifications our personnel have received:

  • OSHA 40-Hour HAZWOPER and 8-Hour Annual Refresher
  • OSHA 10 Hour Construction Construction Safety

  • SafeLandUSA

  • FRA Roadway Worker Protection Program


  • American Heart Association First Aid and CPR

  • National Safety Council Defensive Driving

  • Fatigue Education and Awareness

  • MSHA Part 48 Mine Safety​

Licensed in Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Indiana, West Virginia, and New York.

Industries: Welcome

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